Four of the owners of MEL are qualified RCMS® auditors. 


All have extensive experience with the ACC Responsible Care® program implementation and execution. These owner/auditors have gained their knowledge and experience while working at well respected chemical companies like Dow Chemical, Merck, and Dow Corning Corporation. MEL became an ACC approved Audit Service Provider in early 2005.


MEL's Approach to RCMS® Audits


Simple and Logic Based

MEL audits the way people do their work, using terms, expressions, and approaches that are familiar and comfortable to staff. For example, instead of using Code or RCMS® technical specification terminology, we write and organize our protocols around familiar topics of Waste Management, Lock Out / Tag Out, Hot Work, Health & Hygiene, Hazard Communication, Incident Investigation, etc. In cases where codes e.g., Community Awareness, align closely with the way the work is carried out, the protocols are organized around the code. Because our auditors have the experience they can then relate all the information back to the requirements of the management system specification.

Easier and Better


We are continually looking for ways to reduce the overhead burden on limited client staff resource. For this reason, we developed the self-assessment process to gather information the auditors need in order to do their job. The self-assessments are a series of questionnaires with 5 to 15 questions. They can be parceled out to relevant responders. These self-assessments can be completed by plant staff at a more relaxed schedule and reduce the amount of time the auditors require of staff during the on-site audit. For the next audit cycle, the self-assessments can be updated as needed and returned to MEL prior to the audit.

Report, Respond and Follow Up


The results of the audit are shown electronically at the conclusion of the audit and will include management system strengths as well as major and minor findings. Because it will be electronic, there is an opportunity for modification based on site input not discovered by the auditor. At the end of the meeting, a copy will be left with the site. This is usually 90% complete. The final report will be sent after we return to the office and a final proofing is done